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Davies Reid Rugs

Naga Vase

Naga Vase

Regular price $5,800.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5,800.00 USD
Sale Sold

Origin: India, 19th Century

Size: 20" x 33"

"Naga, in HinduismBuddhism, and Jainism, a member of a class of mythical semidivine beings, half human and half cobra. They are a strong, handsome species who can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form and are potentially dangerous but often beneficial to humans. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patala-loka, which is filled with resplendent palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems. The creator deity Brahma relegated the nagas to the nether regions when they became too populous on earth and commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those destined to die prematurely. They are also associated with waters—rivers, lakes, seas, and wells—and are guardians of treasure."

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